Frequently Asked Questions

How do I LEARN more about libraries and sustainable development?

You can learn more about what libraries are doing to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by visiting our "Resources" page.

What can my library or I DO to advance the UN SDGs?

You can model what other libraries are doing to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by visiting our "Resources" page and act on the recommendations proposed on the published Information Action Briefs.

How do I learn more about the Libraries for Sustainable Development (LSD) Project and the Information Action Briefs (IABs)?

You can learn more about LSD, from our beginnings to now, on the Our History section of the website or by watching a recording of the LSD launch webinar on March 9, 2023.


How do I WRITE an IAB?

Please write to us using the contact form or email at to receive a template for writing an IAB.

How do I PUBLISH an IAB?

Once you have completed your IAB, please email the document to and we will follow up.

Are there IABs in other languages?

Not yet, but we welcome anyone who wishes to translate published IABs or create new ones to contact us through our contact form or email at

Can I publish an Information Action Brief (IAB) in another language?

Yes. Please see the information above on how to write and publish an IAB.

Can I be an editor of an IAB series focused on my context or language?

Yes. If you would like to edit a specific series, please write to us using our contact form or email at

When is the next IAB event (workshop, presentation, etc.)? How do I participate and register?

Check out our "News and Events" page for future workshops or webinars from LSD. You can also watch recordings from previous events or request a workshop for your organization or group.

How do I request an IAB workshop for my organization or group?

If you would like us to facilitate a workshop for your organization or group, please submit a request through our contact form or email us at

Can I teach/use the IAB in my class or in a workshop for my organization or group?

Yes. If you would like to teach/use the IAB in your class or teach a workshop for your organization or group, please submit a request through our contact form or email us at